Wednesday, April 14, 2010

5 Days and Counting

We are in Washington, DC now. Today was one of two pre-surgery days and we spent all morning at DC Children's doing a cardiac echo, x-rays, a physical and blood work. One of the best moments was when Dr. Donofrio ran into us in the hall (she was the very first cardiologist we met with and the one who told us about Lily's heart condition). She couldn't believe how good Lily looked and how big she was. Remarkably, Lily greeted her with a smile, something she does not do with doctors these days.
Tomorrow is an "off" day and as Skye is out with Uncle Ned and Aunt Becca, we're going to take Lily on a walking tour of Washington, DC and seem some of our old haunts.
Friday we are back at DC Children's for the pre-surgery cath and will spend the night there. Right now we know we have one of the two morning surgery slots for Monday and will find out which one on Friday.
5 days and counting. The Norwood was the first surgery, the second was the Glenn and on Monday Lily will have the Fontan, the third and final surgery needed to repair her heart. Almost there.

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