Friday, August 21, 2009

Celebrating One Year!

Bec and I were just talking about how hard it is to believe that in a few days Lily turns 1 year old.

What a miraculous run it has been and it's only going to get better.

Bec put together a great video celebrating the journey.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Quick Update

I am sorry it has been so long since I have blogged on Lily. The last blog I set up was shut down when that blog server disappeared (long story) and work has been keeping me busy.
Lily is doing incredibly well. As long as she is fed, she is very happy baby and there are few things better than walking into she and Skye's room and see her smiling up at me from her crib. As Skye suddenly seems to enjoy sleep, Lily and I are now the only two members of the Dawn Patrol. But if I don't get in there fast enough, Lily is peeking through the rails in her crib, saying, "Ky. . . Ky!" trying to wake Skye up.
We had a big breakthrough last week as she finally started army crawling. Just yesterday she got up on her hands and knees by herself and thought about crawling before falling back on her stomach. We'll take the small victories as they come.
The picture below was taken by our friend Callie Shepherd last week and I thought it was too good not to post (thanks, Callie!).