Friday, August 21, 2009

Celebrating One Year!

Bec and I were just talking about how hard it is to believe that in a few days Lily turns 1 year old.

What a miraculous run it has been and it's only going to get better.

Bec put together a great video celebrating the journey.


  1. just finished bawling my eyes out! God is so good...

  2. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I loved the song! Our Savior truly does hold our lives in His hands, and there is no greater joy than to not only know it but to FEEL it! It was such a blessing to "feel" of the love He has for your family as I watched the video. He lives! May this day, Lily's first birthday, be one that binds your family to HIM! May that connection bring pure joy! God Bless!

  3. Thanks for sharing a glimps of your journey with Lily!
    What a miracle she is~ God is good.
