Thursday, April 15, 2010

April 15

We had a great day doing, of all things, the DC tourist stuff. After taking Lily to our favorite breakfast spot on the Hill (Le Bon Cafe), we plopped her in the stroller and took her to see the Smithsonians. She was not a huge fan of the National Gallery of Art, but loved the Natural History Museum and got to pick out a small stuffed giraffe to take home with her from the gift shop. After swinging by to grab some pizza and say hi to everyone at my old job, the American Center for Law and Justice, we headed home.
Tonight we checked into the Ronald McDonald House that is near DC Children's. Starting at 11:30 tonight, we start pumping Lily full of fluids as she can't have anything solid on her stomach for the pre-surgery cath. So Bec's got the 11:30 shift, I have the 4am one and at 6:45am we head to the hospital and will be there all day and overnight. We get Sunday off and then Monday morning comes.

1 comment:

  1. We are praying for you guys and Lily... Love ya'll!!

    Abby and Aunt Carol
